W O R K  W I T H  M E

This is your opportunity to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

What you can expect…

I work with women that feel like they have lost their identity and sacrificed their deepest values. I work with them to realign with who they are, who they claim to be and who God designed them to be. 

My clients will never disrespect their body with food or alcohol again.

My clients no longer allow food to possess their minds and control their every thought.

My clients chose what thoughts take root in their minds and take their thoughts captive.

My clients surrender to the calling God places on their hearts & get to live the life they've always dreamed of.

My clients learn how to trust themselves, their decisions and stay true to their values.

My clients find their worthiness in who God created them to be- not by the number on the scale or their amount of followers.

My clients learn to take ownership of their actions and pride in bettering their marriages and relationships.

I walk my clients through a plan to pay off debt and they find financial freedom.

My clients go from anxiety ruling their lives to controlling the controllables and having an unwavering faith in self.

My clients take courage and create unshakable confidence.

If you see yourself in any of these stories, this is your sign to do something about it. I’ve got you. Let’s navigate together.



In this 1:1 transformational space, we will dive deep into your core values and deepest desires. We will reveal all the lies and limiting beliefs you’ve been telling yourself and that have kept you stuck and unfulfilled. 

Be ready to get real, stop hiding and embrace the woman that you were designed to be. 

You will learn what it looks like to deeply respect yourself and all that you are. You will have a confidence that is unshakeable.

You will leave with a heart on fire and ready to take on the world.


  • 6-12 month commitment

  • Weekly 60 minute sessions (3 times/month)

  • Text, email and Marco Polo support between sessions

  • Free workshop access

  • Individualized and curated support based on your needs and goals



In this 1:1 Nutritional coaching space we focus on creating a sustainable lifestyle and repairing your relationship with food. We place a huge emphasis on stress and where this is showing up in your life, to set you up successfully for your nutrition goals. You will receive a customized nutrition plan that will work for YOU. No two plans are the same. No diets. No restriction. Led by you & tailored to your goals.


  • You want to repair your relationship with food but don’t know where to start

  • You want to focus on becoming stronger, not smaller.

  • You are aware you’re overweight and want to sustainably and permanently lose weight and embrace your health

  • You thrive on routine, structure and having a game plan


  • 6 month commitment

  • 1:1 monthly live calls for support and questions

  • Weekly video check-in from your coach

  • Individualized Biofeedback and Food Tracker

  • Text, email, Marco Polo support throughout the week

  • Recipes, grocery store finds, meal ideas

“In five months I’ve lost over 20 lbs, feel more fit, my strength in the gym has improved massively, while losing body fat and my confidence has skyrocketed!”

— D’Maerik W., 23, MT




This space is for my girls that have struggled with food insecurity for YEARS. Your relationship with food has been toxic and it has impacted your confidence in every. area. of. life.. we will dive deep into habits, mindset, self-respect and find your confidence again. You need more 1:1 support, accountability and space to heal these deep seeded wounds that have made their way into other parts of your life.


  • You think about food constantly and feel like it controls your life

  • Have tried every diet to become the smallest version of yourself

  • Go through phases of binging, restricting and regret.

  • Want hands on support with habit and mindset shifts

  • Craving deeper connection and understanding of yourself


  • 6 month commitment

  • Weekly 60 minute 1:1 sessions (3times/month)

  • Text, Marco Polo, email support between calls

  • Individualized biofeedback and nutrition tracker

“Before I started working with Rachel I was on an extreme exclusion diet with a history of chronic calorie deficits. I always viewed food as a “reward” after I went to the gym or my watch told me I’d burned enough calories. She guided me through the fear and anxiety I always associated with eating and helped me relearn to view my food as medicine and fuel for my body.”

— Claire H., 22, KY



Welcome to "Nourished by Faith"—a sacred community designed for women like you and me, who have felt the weight of physical burdens and the ache of spiritual hunger. It's a group coaching space where we’ll redefine our relationship with food, exercise, the scale and self-worth through the lens of our Creator. No more tears, no more shattered expectations—just a journey of hope while reclaiming our worth and discovering peace within our own skin.

You don't have to walk this path alone. The pressure isn't solely on you because within this circle of faith-filled women, we lift each other up, lean on each other, and celebrate victories together. Jesus is our true healer, and together, we'll embrace His grace and find true freedom.

If you're exhausted from the relentless cycle and yearn for lasting transformation, this is your divine invitation. Let's break the chains of guilt and self-doubt, together.